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大熊座(Ursa Major,UMa)是北天星座之一,位于小熊座、小獅座附近,與仙后座相對。春季適合觀察,是著名的北斗七星所在星座。在地球上不同緯度的地區(qū),所能看到的星座是不一樣的。在北緯40°以上的地區(qū),也就是北京和希臘以北的地方,一年四季都可以見到大熊座。不過,春天,大熊座正在北天的高空,是四季中觀看它全貌的最好時節(jié)。

Ursa Major

Ursa Major, (Latin: “Greater Bear”) also called the Great Bear, in astronomy, a constellation of the northern sky, at about 10 hours 40 minutes right ascension and 56° north declination. It was referred to in the Old Testament (Job 9:9; 38:32) and mentioned by Homer in the Iliad (xviii, 487). The Greeks identified this constellation with the nymph Callisto, who was placed in the heavens by Zeus in the form of a bear together with her son Arcas as “bear keeper,” or Arcturus;?

標(biāo)簽: LATIN 不一樣的


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