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《愛,死亡和機器人》第二季定檔 5月14日一次性放出



Automated Customer Service(10 minutes)

Directed by Meat Dept

Animation Company: Atoll Studio

Based on a story by: John Scalzi

Ice (10 minutes)

Directed by Robert Valley

Animation Company: Passion Pictures

Based on a story by: Rich Larson

Pop Squad (15 minutes)

Directed by Jennifer Yuh Nelson

Animation Company: Blur Studio

Based on a story by: Paolo Bacigalupi

Snow in the Desert (15 minutes)

Directed by Leon Berelle, Dominique Boidin, Remi Kozyra, Maxime Luere

Animation Company: Unit Image

Based on a story by: Neal Asher

The Tall Grass (8 minutes)

Directed by Simon Otto

Animation Company: Axis Animation

Based on a story by: Joe Lansdale

All Through the House (4 minutes)

Directed by Elliot Dear

Animation Company: Blink Industries

Based on a story by: Joachim Heijndermans

Life Hutch (10 minutes)

Directed by Alex Beaty

Animation Company: Blur Studio

Based on a story by: Harlan Ellison

The Drowned Giant (10 minutes)

Directed by Tim Miller

Animation Company: Blur Studio

Based on a story by: J.G. Ballard

標簽: 愛死亡和機器人 第二季


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